I’ve said those words about nine hundred times over the past few days. And yes, I am guilty of giving the impression that the baby’s arrival was imminent. I believed it, too. But that appears to not be the case anymore.
One week ago our doctor told us that Tara would likely go into labor within a matter of days. That, or she would need to induce. Well, we had another appointment today and she apologized to us for prematurely raising our prenatal hackles. Apparently everything is normal again, so we are back on our original timeline. Tara’s official due date isn’t for another week, and we might very well be late (as are most first time first-time mothers).
So I can now look forward to yet more probing, anticipatory questions day in and day out. “No baby yet” shall continue to be my mantra for a fortnight. Tara suggests I get a pin to wear saying that. Perhaps I’ll start referring people to my blog for the full story.
And speaking of the blog, I’ve finally gotten it pretty much where I want it. I upgraded to WordPress 2.0, so under the hood, it’s functioning efficiently. I’ve added in the “Currently…” sections over on the right, and I’ve even set up a “Previously…” page for archival purposes. There is also now a “Links” page, too… although it still needs some more bulking up. But basically that’s it for the major features I wanted my blog to have. I wouldn’t mind sprucing it up a bit, however. I may try to figure out an attractive way to throw some subtle graphics on here. But I want to keep it rather minimalist and clean. We’ll see what I come up with.
Baby, Blogging, Life
I’m sitting here trying to figure out why I named my previous post We’re at 90%. I have no idea. I know I was interrupted while writing it, and then went back and finished posting. But I obviously was going to say something else. For the life of me I can’t remember. Oh well. Life goes on.
Tara is going to give birth any minute now, so to speak. We really thought our doctor was going to induce labor yesterday, but she decided not to. She said Tara was far enough along naturally that we could get away with waiting. We’re thinking it’ll be this weekend. (!)
The impending birth of our daughter is the reason I created this blog in the first place. I wanted a way to keep family and friends up to date. So expect updates to appear with more regularity. I promise there will be cute baby pictures!
Blogging, Life
I’m sitting here at my last SAT administration of 2005. One of my proctors showed up over two hours late, and another didn’t show up at all. I had to scramble and redistribute kids so they’d all fit in someplace. What a pain!
Sometimes it feel like half my blogging is about the SAT’s. I guess that’s because I’m often left with nothing to do except think up posts while the kids are all taking the exams. Oh, I’ll have plenty of tedious paperwork to do once they are done… but for now I’m just sitting here doing Sudoku puzzles.
But thankfully, this should be the last testing-related post for quite some time. The next test date isn’t until April. And I’ll probably have other stuff to write about between now and then. Y’know, little things… like having a baby.
Blogging, Work
Ya so, it seems I’ve changed blog engines yet again. b2evolution was causing problems for my host. Apparently it has some vulnerabilities that allow spammers to assault the commenting system. And while their attempts were not actually sucessful, they did manage to totally cripple MySQL. Thus every other site on my host’s server suffered. So b2evo had to go.
I’m back on WordPress now. I’m not totally thrilled with it, but I think it will allow me to do some of the things I said I wanted to do.
Anyway, bear with me. I will get my old links back and get the page looking pretty soon. And let’s hope I can actually stick with WordPress for more than a few months. (I really don’t have the best track record).
Yes, you are correct. I have not posted recently. So just to keep things from getting stale, here’s a bunny with a pancake in its head:

Blogging, Online Miscellanea
I need to pay a little more attention to this blog to get it where I want it to be.
I feel like I should have a real Links section. I mean, this is a web page. What’s the point of a web page that doesn’t lead you places? I’ll at least link some of the other blogs I read. Just my friends, mostly.
I’d also like to figure out a better way to do the Currently… sidebar. It would be great if that section could automatically get archived. It’s a little labor-intensive to put up new items, so I don’t want what’s there to just go poof when I update. That stuff shouldn’t be completely ephemeral.
And lastly, I’d like a way to make a static page within the site template. I was surprised to find that b2evolution doesn’t have a way to do this. You can make a permanent page. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to do it and have it NOT be a blog post. I can probably come up with a hack to get it working.
I’ll try to work on these things this week.