Admit it. You visit this site to see pictures and video of cute children. Not to read my rambling comments. It’s okay. I totally understand. Well, tonight you are in luck. I’ve created a gallery showcasing Josie’s first few days at home. Highlights include her first bath and meeting Aunt Meg. Go see.
UPDATE (6/30/2009): More pictures added… including a pony party!
And, perhaps more exciting, I’ve put several new videos on YouTube. Watch them on my channel page. You’ll witness a live baby burping demonstration performed by a three year old.
UPDATE (6/30/2009): More video added, too!
Baby, Family
Tara and Josie came home from the hospital yesterday. Ellie and I both agree that it’s SOOO good to have them home. We’re just enjoying being together and getting to know Josie.
So far Josie is very even tempered. She rarely cries for more than a minute or two and she has been sleeping very well. She’ll conk out for hours at a time during the day if we let her. But we’re worried that sleeping all day means being awake all night. So we’ve been trying to wake her up and keep her engaged. The coolest thing however is how Josie (even at this early stage) really watches whatever Ellie does.
And Ellie, for her part, has been a wonderful big sister. She is eager to help out with bottle feedings, diaper changes, and all the other little baby tasks. (Her favorite is burping the baby… and she’s good at it!) Obviously this is a big adjustment for Ellie, and there have been a few moments when she’s acted out. But overall she seems very happy about the changes to her world. We are trying to stay very attentive to her needs and feelings.
Oh hey, another thing. I added a few more pictures to the gallery in the post below this one. New ones start here. They are as cute and precious as you might expect. There are a number of adorable videos that I will get online in the near future, as well.
Baby, Family, Life
I’m operating on about 3 hours sleep in the past day and a half. But I didn’t want that to stop me from sharing a few pictures. Highlights include meeting Big Sis and Grandma and Grandpa. There’s only about 20 pictures as I write this. But I will probably just add more rather than create too many extraneous slideshows. I’ll post an addendum when there’s something new to see.
I’m going to sleep now.
More later… much more. But for now, here’s

7lbs 10oz. Born at 2:30 am, June 18th 2009 via c-section. Mom, baby (and dad and sister) are all doing fine!
So it’s looking like tomorrow will be the big day. We’re going to the hospital at 6:30am to have labor induced. Hopefully it will go quicker than last time which was 16 hours. Keep your fingers crossed.
In my continuing effort to get all our media more accessible, I have put many of Ellie’s little video clips in one location on our Google Pics page. It’s not the best solution, but it puts everything in one place. If you have the bandwidth, be sure to click the “View HQ Video” link. Go watch!
Baby, Blogging, Movies
You may have noticed some changes around here. Believe it or not, my web server got hacked and filled with spammy links. I ended up wiping out the old blog and rebuilding it. So here we are. But I figured this was a good time to give everything an overhaul since…
We’re going to have another baby! Another girl! And she is due any day now. No promises, but there’s a decent chance I’ll have the requisite motivation to begin updating again. I have to admit that this blog was a fantastic way to keep our family and well-wishers up to date about Ellie’s early days.
If you are one of the handful of people that have ONLY been following this blog, then you have missed a lot of pictures and other goodies. You may want to start with the new Galleries page. Or just take some time to enjoy some recent Ellie pictures:
Baby, Blogging, Family