Happy New Year!
I am the first to admit that I’ve done a woefully inadequate job of updating the blog. There’s no denying it now that it’s 2008 and only a few short weeks before Ellie’s second birthday. But here goes.

It’s been wonderful watching her transform from a baby into a toddler… and we are now bordering on “little kid” territory. She is active, playful, and imaginative. She is also quite silly and enjoys laughing heartily with very slight provocation.
Her vocabulary has absolutely exploded over the past few weeks. It’s gotten to the point that I’m not even surprised anymore when she correctly uses a new word. She mostly uses English, but she’ll throw in a few words in Spanish for spice. She consistently speaks in two or three word sentences, too. It is a very strange feeling to have a rudimentary conversation for the first with someone you’ve known for two years.
Here are your long overdue links to gallery pictures: May through August and Septmeber through January. We hope you enjoy.
And you may well have already seen this… but if not, it’s sure to impress. Here’s Ellie counting to ten from a couple months ago. (These days she can count all the way to sixteen! Why sixteen? I have no idea.)
My next project – if I can find the time somewhere between chasing after Ellie all day and collapsing at night – is to create a sequel to last year’s critically acclaimed Ellie’s First Year video. Hopefully I can have it ready in time for her birthday!