

Educational Game Design

Game-based Learning

Joel Levin
email: joel@swordplay.net
twitter: @GamerTeachr

With 20+ years experience using games to educate and engage, Joel has travelled the world discovering and sharing the best game-based learning practices.

In 2011 Joel co-founded TeacherGaming LLC and released MinecraftEdu which was acquired in 2015 by Microsoft and became Minecraft: Education Edition. TeacherGaming sold educational versions of Kerbal Space Program, Universe Sandbox, and Cities: Skylines to schools, and also released its own original IP Switch & Glitch for iOS and Android.

Joel has designed and led learning programs for schools, camps, libraries, museums, and corporate partners. He has taught technology and media classes at all K-12 grade levels and provided support and professional development for dozens of schools. Joel is currently teaching at a private school for students with learning differences.

Joel is available to consult with anyone that wants to understand the powerful ways that young learners connect with games. Parents, educators, and game companies alike can harness the enthusiasm kids bring to games in order to maximize learning potential.

Joel has appeared at:

Games 4 Change
Games in Education
Games + Learning + Society

Smithsonaian's National Math Festival
MineCon: Las Vegas
MineCon: Paris
Con: Orlando
MineCon: London



Joel has staffed programs/events at:

Global Kids

Game Developers Conference
American Mus
eum of Natural History
MOHAI (Museum of History and Industry)


New York Times – 1/20/2016 – Microsoft Acquires Minecraft App for Schools

The Atlantic – 2/6/2015 – Teaching in the Age of Minecraft

Fortune Magazine – 8/1/2014 – The new way to learn? Brick by brick

Research / Documentary:

Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop:
Teaching with Games Case Study: Joel

Institute of Play:
MinecraftEdu: The Craft of Digital Citizens

2 Player Productions Docmentary Segment:
Minecraft: The Story of Mojang

Consulting - Educational Game Design - Game-based Learning

Joel Levin
email: joel@swordplay.net
twitter: @GamerTeachr

Swordplay.net has had many incarnations over the years. From an RPG news site, to a personal blog, to a testing environment for various code projects. You can view some of the older versions here.